
Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Q1. What is meant by unapproved and illegal layout? 

A: a) Land which is sub-divided into plots without permission from Competent Authority.
b) Sub-division of land and sale of plots without approval from the Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Urban Development Authorities and Metropolitan Development Authority as the case maybe.
c) Un-authorized illegal layouts would also include tentative layouts approved by Municipal Corporation/Municipalities/Urban Development Authorities / and Metropolitan Development Authority where plots have been sold without Obtaining final layout approval.
d)Gram Panchayat layouts (covered in UDA/Master Plan) without prior approval from Director of Town and Country Planning/Urban Development Authority / and Metropolitan Development Authority. 

Q2. What are the advantages of regulating an unapproved layout? 

A: a) Regulation of unapproved layouts will entitle the applicant to get building permission from the Competent Authority.
b) Civic amenities like roads, water supply, drainage, streetlights will be provided subject to total payment of all required charges by all plot owners.
c) The unapproved layout areas will be brought in to the fold of planned development of the Towns/Cities. 

Q3. What are the consequences if one does not apply for regulation of unapproved layout? 

A: The following consequences have to be faced:
a) No building permission will be given.
b) Such layout plots will be treated as continuing offence and exemplary penalties as per law would be levied.
c) No regular water supply connections and services like roads, drainage, streetlights will be extended in such areas.
d) Information will be sent to Registration Department to enter the land into Prohibitory Register of lands and no sale / disposal or transactions shall be allowed in such sites.
e) Other enforcement action including demolition of the building if any on such plot/plots shall be initiated.

Q4. Whether the layout regulation scheme is applicable to all Gram Panchayat areas also? 

A: No. 

Q5. Whether a layout approved by a Gram Panchayat (covered in UDA limits or Master Plan limits) without technical approval of Director of Town & Country Planning/Urban Development Authority is a valid layout? 

A: No 

Q6. If I have purchased a plot in unapproved layout, can my plot be regularized under this Scheme? 

A: Yes, It can be regularized subject to submission of application along with sale deed executed prior to date of notification of the Rules and payment of prescribed fees and charges. 

Q7. The layout owner has taken an approval from the Gram Panchayat with technical clearance of Director of Town & Country Planning / Urban Development Authority but subsequently changed the layout and its constituent plots, open spaces and roads and I purchased a plot based on this changed layout on ground. Can my plot be regularized?A: No. 

Q8. The owner has sold away the open spaces in the approved layout by carving plots. Can these be regularized? 

A: No. 

Q9: If total area of the site is 3 acres and only 10 plots holders having plots of 250 sq.yards each apply for approval, whether the owners of 10 plots can get their plots regularized? 

A: Yes. The plot holders who come forward for regulation of their plots will be considered for approval subject to u conditions. 

Q1O: A100 ft Master Plan is proposed through our colony layout. The alignment of the said 100 ft road is passing through plot and in adjoining plots which have buildings. Can my plot and the said adjoining plots be regularized? 

A: Plots affected in Master Plan road will not be regulated. 

Q11: Can I purchase a plot in an unapproved layout after the date of notification and come forward for regularization payment of all fees and charges? 

A. No. This scheme is applicable only for plot owners who have registered sale deed executed prior to the date notification of the Rules. 

Q12: The neighboring land owner has blocked a road by showing the end of the road as plot and constructed a building. Can this plot blocking the road be regularized? 

A: No. 

Q13: I have a plot in a layout approved by Gram Panchayat falling in UDA limits without getting technical clearance from UDA. Do I need to apply for regulation under this scheme? 

A: Yes. 

Q14:1have a plot in a layout approved by Gram Panchayat without getting technical approval from the DT&CP but covered by the sanctioned Master Plan. Do I need to apply for regulation under this scheme? 

A: Yes

Q15: Whether charges for regulation of unapproved layouts can be paid in installments?

A: Yes. The penalization may be remitted in installments i.e., 10% of the amount or minimum of Rs. 10,000/-shall be paid along with the application form and balance amount shall be paid within 6 months from the date submission of the application. 

Q16: I have constructed a building in an unapproved plot. Can I apply for regulation of my plot and building? 

A: Yes. You have to file separate applications, one for regulation of unapproved plot and another for penalization regulation of unauthorized building.

Q17: What is the method for computation of the betterment Charges, Conversion charges and shortfall of open charges? 

A: The computation of the required fees and charges have been simplified and given in the working sheets in three tables along with the application which can be computed with the help of registered architect or licensed technical personnel. 

Click here to know how to apply for LRS Full Informaion
