
Saturday, September 26, 2015

DTCP (Directorate of Town and Country Planning) Approval information in Telangana.

About Directorate of Town and Country Planning(DTCP)
The department looks after the subject of planning and development in urban and rural areas. The development is achieved through Master Plans prepared for the urban centers and rural areas by way of Master Plans and indicative Land Use Plans. Development Plans for Mandal Headquarters are prepared by the department. The planned development is achieved through approval of layouts and by regulating the developments through building rules and zoning regulations and approval of industrial institutions.
The Directorate of Town and Country Planning has two distinct functions, one under urban front and the other on the rural front. Inspect of urban area particularly the Municipal towns are planned and regulated under the provisions of APTP Act,1920 under the provisions of local body acts, viz., Municipal Corporation Act, Andhra Pradesh Municipalities act and A.P Urban Areas (Development)Act and A.P. Cinematography Act. In respect of Rural Areas, the developments are regulated under the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act,1992 in respect of approval layouts and granting permissions for industries and installations.
The department assists the Government in all Town and Country Planning matters as well as in coordinating with various departments involved in area development like Telangana Housing Board, Telangana State Housing and Urban Development Corporations. Telangana Industrial and infrastructure corporation, Industries Department etc.
Various schemes involving area planning and development Environmental Improvement schemes are formulated and monitored by the department. The department provides technical assistance to various departments involved in planning and development.
This department offers technical remarks to the Government in the matters like change of land use proposals, alienation of lands and any relaxation of rules.
This department is able to achieve a fairly reasonable level of developments in most of the urban centers in the growth centers in the rural areas by way of suggesting and implementing layouts and regulating the industries and other buildings as per the norms. Apart from the above, the department is also suggesting and getting implemented various Environmental Improvement Schemes, Remunerative Schemes and Road widening Schemes at various levels.


Procedure for Approval of Layout in Gram Panchayat areas:
The land owner shall submit written application in prescribed form (Under Sub Section (3) of Section 1of layout and building rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.67 PR and RD (Pts-IV) Dt:26.2.2002). of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act 1994.
1.         The application shall contain a site plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:1000 site documents, layout plans, FMB sketches, topo-detailed plans/ contour plans, Encumbrance Certificate, extract of Base Map/Master Plan etc.

2.         On receipt of layout application, the Panchayat Secretary shall call for further particulars if any required or forward the proposal to Director of Town and Country Planning / Regional Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning with in 15 days.(If the further particulars are called for by Panchayat Secretary  the applicant shall furnish the same with in 10 days and the proposal with full particulars with remarks shall be forwarded to Director of Town and Country Planning / Regional Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning with in 15 days form the date in receipt of particulars as per sub-section (3) of  Section 11 of APPR Act 1994).

3.         The Director of Town and Country Planning will examine the proposals and forward a tentative layout to Panchayat Secretary showing road pattern and open space with a request to communicate the same to the applicant for demarcation. If the applicant has not agreed with the layout pattern, he may ask for revision of Tentative Layout with in 15 days.  If agrees, he may demarcate the roads and open space within 30 days and submit demarcated layout plans with requirement of plots etc. The same shall be verified by the Panchayat Secretary and the report shall be submit to the Director of Town and Country Planning /Regional Deputy Director of Town Planning for approval of final layout.

4.         After receipt or feasibility reports from Panchayat Secretary/Regional Deputy Director of Town Planning, basing on the reports, the final layout with L.P.No.(Technical approval) will be sent to Panchayat Secretary along with conditions to be imposed while releasing the layout then the Panchayat Secretary  shall within 15 days of the receipt of the Technical approval, communicate the layout approval to the applicant with such conditions and modifications subject to which the layout.

5.         The Technically approved layout will be placed before the council for its  Sanction (The Council may with in 90 days from the date of receipt of recommendations of the Director of Town and Country Planning, sanction layout having due regard to such recommendations and subject to such conditions).  After acceptance of the council the Panchayat Secretary will direct the applicant (to form the roads, drains etc.) fulfill the conditions laid down and to hand over the roads and open space through registered gift deed to local body at free of cost for maintenance.

6.         Any application not disposed of within a period of 90 days from the date of receipt in the Panchayat office of the required particulars in respect of such application shall be deemed to have been sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of this Act Under Sub(iii) of Sub-Sec (6) of layout rules U/S 163 of layout and building rules.

7.         The application shall form the roads and to provide other amenities as per the orders of council to the satisfaction of the (Secretary) and to handed over to Panchayat Secretary with in two year from the date of receipt of the approval of layout.  (Under Sub Section (7) of Section 163) of APPR Act 1994.

8.         The details of roads and open spaces handed over to the Panchayat Secretary will be placed again to council and the layout will be released finally to the applicant for disposal of plots and security deposit / bank guarantee / mortgaged land will be released.

9.         Building permission in the layout plots shall be issued by the Panchayat Secretary as Roads and open spaces are deemed to have been handed over as per the provision of G.O.Ms.No.67 PR&RD (PTs – VI) DT: 26-2-2002.

Functions of DTCP :
The department looks after the subject of planning and development in urban and rural areas.  The development is achieved through Master Plans prepared for the urban centers and rural areas by way of Master Plans and indicative Land Use Plans.  Development plans for Mandal Headquarters are prepared by the department.  The planned development is achieved through approval of layouts and by regulating the developments through building rules and zoning regulations and approval of industrial institutions.
            The Directorate of Town and Country Planning has two distinct functions, one under urban front and the other on the rural front.  In respect of urban area particularly the Municipal towns are planned and regulated under the provisions of APTP Act,1920 under the provisions of local body acts, viz., Municipal Corporation Act,  Andhra Pradesh Municipalities act and A.P. Urban Areas (Development) Act and A.P. Cinematography Act.  In respect of Rural Areas, the developments are regulated under the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1992 in respect of approval layouts and granting permissions for industries and installations.
            The department assists the Government in all Town and Country Planning matters as well as in coordinating with various departments involved in area development like Telangana Housing Board, Telangana State Housing and Urban Development Corporations. Telangana Industrial and infrastructure corporation, Industries Department etc.
            The department provides technical assistance to various departments involved in planning and development.
            This department offers technical remarks to the Government in the matters like change of land use proposals, alienation of lands.
            This department is able to achieve a fairly reasonable level of developments in most of the urban centers and in the rural areas by way of suggesting and implementing layouts and regulating the industries and other buildings as per the norms.
� Apart from the above, the department is also suggesting and getting implemented various Environmental Improvement Schemes, Remunerative Schemes and Road widening Schemes at various levels.

The duties and functions of the Director of Town and Country Planning can be divided into Technical – Statutory-Non-statutory, advisory and administrative.

The Technical statutory functions.
  1. Preparation of General Town Planning Schemes (Master Plans),
  2. Preparation of Indicative Land Use Plans (Mandal Master Plans),
  3. Technical  Approval of Layouts,
  4. Technical Approval of Buildings Plans. (Group Housing), Commercial complexes,
  5. Preparation and approval of type designs for community and public buildings,
  6. Technical Clearance of Installations (Industries)
  7. Approval of Road Development Plans.
  8. NOC for Cinema Theatres / Multiplexes. 
The Technical non-statuary functions.
  1. Allocation of IDSMT funds (The scheme is already closed in the year 2005 and the work of approved components is under progress)
  2. Approval of Designs for Public and Community Buildings,
  3. Suggesting variations to the sanctioned Master Plans.
Advisory Functions.
  1. Advisor to Urban Development Authorities, Telangana Housing Board, Telangana Industrial Infrastructure Corporation, Telangana Pollution Control Board, Telangana Swagruha Housing Corporation and Government on planning matters.
Advises on selection of sites and services of Municipal Councils.
